– Alexandra Cabri

– Alexandra Cabri
The intention of this work was to transmit the essence of bliss. The figure basks in the solitude of joy while hearing the birds in flight. She releases all her tension as profound realization washes over her: beauty can be unearthed in everything. Even within the realm of pain, the mindful presence of bliss is truly revealed.
In her blue cocoon, she simultaneously connects with the ethereal realm, attuning her senses to the subtle whispers of the spirit. Her eyes are closed to the outside world. Amidst the silence, a symphony of messages unfolds, inviting her to listen closely to the profound wisdom that gently echoes within. “The way out is within.”
Her eyes are closed, deliberately shutting out the cacophony of the external world, immersing herself in a profound silence that serves as the conduit for messages from her spiritual guides. She believes that the pathway to enlightenment is not found in the external world but rather within the sanctuary of her own being. For her, true enlightenment comes from discovering the inner calm that anchors her soul.
As she immerses herself in this sacred introspection, her closed eyes become not just a physical act but a symbolic sealing. The color red, a grounding force, gently encourages her to anchor herself within her earthly vessel. Even in this connection to spirit, there is a reminder to be grounded within the body, embracing the duality of earthly existence and spiritual transcendence.
Here’s a fascinating tidbit about this painting: A psychic who had sensed my dual roles of a healer and an artist also described the significant presence of a large, white bird gracefully soaring above me. He then invited me to ask a question. I wanted to know more about my spirit guides, and to my surprise, he identified this bird and said: “Its name is Bliss”. As it turns out, ‘Bliss’ was the exact title I had given to this painting, which I had completed a couple of months earlier.

The Orbs
The orbs surrounding the figure are ethereal manifestations of energy and take on a significant role in her spiritual journey. They symbolize the presence of spirits, angels, and other supernatural entities.

Swans glide on the water seemingly untouched by the ripples and disturbances around them, they evoke a sense of harmony and inner peace. In many spiritual traditions, water is a symbol of the subconscious mind and emotions. The swans navigate the water with poise and tranquility as a metaphor for individuals navigating the depths of their own consciousness in a serene and enlightened manner.
The concept of transformation is often linked to swans in spiritual symbolism. Their ability to move gracefully through water and to take flight in the air has been seen as a representation of the transformative journey from the mundane to the spiritual, or from a state of sleep to awakening.
Overall, the symbolism of swans relate to spiritual growth and underscore qualities such as grace, serenity, and the potential for personal transformation.

Birds, akin to angelic messengers, embody a celestial connection—echoing the ethereal communication of beings. In her contemplative state, the figure envisions these winged messengers as conduits of divine messages, resonating through the unseen channels.
Cranes represent angelic messengers like Archangel Gabriel, who with his trumpets communicate with humans via telepathy. Cranes also symbolize freedom and are great travelers.
For me, they represent the Holy Spirit and remind me of a Huguenot cross I grew up wearing that looked like a Maltese cross with a flying bird dangling from it. It represented the dove of peace carrying the Holy Spirit, I was told.
24 x 36″
original $26,000
24 x 36″
enquire below for more sizes
*shipping not included*