– Alexandra Cabri

– Alexandra Cabri
The human being is described as crawling its way toward evolution. This crawling represents the initial stages of awareness, where individuals may be primarily driven by instinctual, animalistic tendencies. As one progresses on the path of spiritual awakening, there is a gradual transcendence of these primal aspects, giving way to a more refined, godly nature.
The imagery of reaching a semi-godly state suggests a transitional phase—an intermediate realm where one begins to embody qualities associated with the divine. This could encompass virtues such as compassion, wisdom, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with the cosmos.
This upward movement implies a spiritual ascent beyond the material and earthly, transcending the limitations of the physical realm into the etheric plane, where the Mother God welcomes the evolving soul with open arms.
I believe that human evolution involves a profound inner metamorphosis—a journey from the primal to the divine, from unconscious identification with animal instincts to a heightened state of awareness and spiritual connection. In this painting I wanted to show that the concept of evolution isn’t solely biological but encompasses a deeper, inner transformation.

Sumo wrestlers are often regarded as semi-gods in Japan due to the deep intertwining of sumo wrestling with Shinto spirituality, symbolized by ritualistic ceremonies and purification rituals. The disciplined lifestyle and mental fortitude required for the sport contribute to a perception of wrestlers as individuals who transcend the ordinary. The reverence accorded to sumo wrestlers extends beyond their athletic prowess, positioning them as symbolic figures with qualities reminiscent of the divine.

Green Beetle
The beetle’s hard shell and its protective nature represent the wisdom of experience. Its long life span gives it time to develop wisdom and knowledge.
Beetles as exceptional creatures that offers the analogy to the duality of the human experience.
The green beetle, adorned with its shimmering shell, look like a seemingly clumsy heavy rock, constrained by the terrestrial challenges it encounters. This initial portrayal mirrors the human condition, often burdened by the weight of life’s complexities and struggles. The little legs symbolize the effort and persistence required to navigate the demanding terrain of existence.
However, the beetle has the ability to suddenly split open its shell and defy gravity by taking flight. This dramatic transformation echoes the human capacity for transcendence, breaking free from the limitations imposed by external circumstances. Its soaring flight becomes a powerful metaphor for the human spirit’s potential to rise above challenges, embracing newfound heights of awareness and freedom.
The analogy encapsulates the dual nature of the human being—grounded in the earthly realm yet possessing the innate ability to transcend, evolve, and reach for higher states of being. The beetle’s metamorphosis reflects the human journey of self-discovery and transformation, highlighting the dynamic interplay between resilience and the potential for profound growth.

Two Faces (Duality)
The woman figure at the top represents the now, the Sumo embodies both the inseparable past and future.
This picture invites the viewer to reflect on the dualistic aspect of life. The beginning of life was the act of splitting the primordial unity into two opposing principles in relation to each other. Thus, One forms Two, which forms a partnership with One.
We exist within matter- which is one space time- yet we are coupled with another space-time, an informational, vibrational, luminous realm. This space serves as the cause, from which our incarnate existence emerges as the effect. Spirituality is in partnership with physicality, bridging the invisible and the manifested. However, the time experienced within the space-time of the One is significantly slower than the time within space two, resulting in a distortion of the pure information emanating from Spirit. It is here that the necessity for a concerted effort from the incarnated being arises, to consciously establish a connection with God, the Source, the Ka—call it whatever term resonates.
40 x 57″
original $33,600
40 x 57″
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