– Alexandra Cabri

– Alexandra Cabri
Íntergration’ is my representation of the human relationship with the universal family or energies. I perceive all individuals as children of Mother Earth and Father Spirit. Grandmother Moon influences us through our emotions, while Grandfather Sun generously bestows life upon us and our entire environment. Grandfather Sun imparts the lesson of unconditional love by consistently shining upon all beings without exception. An energetic umbilical cord connects us to our source planet, and other planets maintain constant connections with us, as does the rest of the Universe.
During healing sessions, I often facilitate the strengthening of the energy flow received through this connection. As life unfolds, our source cord can become constricted by a crust of dense particles stemming from negative experiences, creating feelings of isolation and disconnection. These particles, with a very slow vibrational frequency, consist of fear, sadness, regrets, self-rejection, defeatedness, resignation, aloneness, greed, anger, victimhood, and many other lower vibrational emotions.
It pains me to witness individuals limiting themselves to the constraints imposed by the ego, as I firmly believe in the inherent interdimensionality of the human experience. We are all celestial beings connected to the source simply by virtue of our existence. The revelation of our angelic nature unfolds through navigating hardships, embracing opposition, confronting challenges, and choosing to attune ourselves to the spirit.

The Woman
The slightly hunched posture of the woman and her downward gaze suggest mental concentration, while the positioning of her hands in connection with the earth signifies a grounding, earthly energy. Though she’s conscious of her humanity and connection to nature, the question lingers: Is she aware of the angelic energy as a constant, pulsating force around her? Does this transcend her conscious awareness, happening beyond her current state of mind? An invitation echoes: “Look up!” — and urges her to acknowledge the angelic energies that may be unfolding just beyond her immediate awareness.

The contrasting colors symbolize duality and balance, representing concepts such as chaos and order, light and darkness, individual and collective, extension, and retraction – all examples of the polarity that permeates every level of existence except the One. The choice is ours to navigate skillfully between these dualistic realms and, in due time, to remember to reconnect with the One source.
From the source of all light emerges the symbol of the seraphim, celestial beings originating from the higher echelons of the angelic realms. We are all extensions of this energy, differing in our levels of consciousness and openness to it.

The woman hovers over a magic carpet of magma, and the patterns reflect on the ball of lava. Whether it’s the wavelengths of colors, sounds, temperatures, or movements, patterns are woven into the fabric of existence. They manifest through the processes and interactions occurring in nature, which combine fundamental physical, chemical, biological processes, and mathematical principles.
The complexity and diversity of these patterns reflect the richness and intricacy of the natural world. Our brain, a remarkable network, transmits signals through both regular and irregular patterns, exemplifying nature’s propensity for structured complexity.
30 x 39″
30 x 39″
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