– Alexandra Cabri

– Alexandra Cabri
In this piece, I paint the narrative of my life, capturing its diverse stages.
There’s the lost phase, a yearning for monastic solitude, perhaps a reflection of past lives. Then, the numb phase, a retreat into the comfort zone of shutting out the external world. Followed by the rebel phase, a spirited defiance of norms. In the upper right I’ve represented a resigned phase, a moment when conformity seems almost acceptable and there is a reluctant capitulation to stagnation.
Ascending further, the numbed aspect unfolds, followed by the rebel on the top right and the resigned one. On the left, a contemplative figure wonders: Is there a sacred dimension to life, to me? This contemplation gives birth to the jewel, adorning her as it sparks a connection with the divine. At the core, a depiction of a young girl making offerings symbolizes the pure, indestructible, eternal divine nature inherent in all of us.
Channeled upon my return from Bali, this artwork serves as a visual expression of the transformative phases within a specific incarnation, symbolized by the frame within. It stands among the very rare portraits of myself. Each figure, ascending from the bottom, mirrors distinct stages in my relationship with this earthly existence. The recluse presence likely echoes a past life as a nun—a memory beckoning in moments of overwhelming confusion and emotional intensity.
Within this complex portrait, another facet awakens, curious to explore a path beyond—a higher state of existence. The Self discovers it, connects with the source, and life transforms into an electric symphony. The same electricity pulses through every beating heart. Here, the love of the divine is unveiled, a radiant illumination that transcends the ordinary.

The Silohuette
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin pellentesque. Nunc posuere purus rhoncus pulvinar aliquam. Ut aliquet tristique nisl vitae volutpat. Nulla aliquet porttitor venenatis. Donec a dui et dui fringilla consectetur id nec massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ut dui ut lacus dictum fermentum vel tincidunt neque. Sed sed lacinia lectus. Duis sit amet sodales felis. Duis nunc eros, mattis at dui ac, convallis semper risus. In adipiscing ultrices tellus, in suscipit massa vehicula eu.

The Silohuette
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin pellentesque. Nunc posuere purus rhoncus pulvinar aliquam. Ut aliquet tristique nisl vitae volutpat. Nulla aliquet porttitor venenatis. Donec a dui et dui fringilla consectetur id nec massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ut dui ut lacus dictum fermentum vel tincidunt neque. Sed sed lacinia lectus. Duis sit amet sodales felis. Duis nunc eros, mattis at dui ac, convallis semper risus. In adipiscing ultrices tellus, in suscipit massa vehicula eu.

The Silohuette
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin pellentesque. Nunc posuere purus rhoncus pulvinar aliquam. Ut aliquet tristique nisl vitae volutpat. Nulla aliquet porttitor venenatis. Donec a dui et dui fringilla consectetur id nec massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ut dui ut lacus dictum fermentum vel tincidunt neque. Sed sed lacinia lectus. Duis sit amet sodales felis. Duis nunc eros, mattis at dui ac, convallis semper risus. In adipiscing ultrices tellus, in suscipit massa vehicula eu.
24 x 35″
24 x 35″
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