oil painting 24X36″ unframed
– Alexandra Cabri

oil painting 24 x 36″ unframed
– Alexandra Cabri
In this painting, Nefertiti is surrounded by various incarnations of the Mother Goddess. Hathor graces one side, embodying femininity, creativity, and divine nurturing, while the Goddess of Fire stands on the other, holding the wisdom of transformation and ancestral healing. Above her, Wadjet, one of the oldest and most powerful goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, crowns her majesty.
The creative energy of the feminine pervades and unites us all. Is Nefertiti solely herself, or is she part of the collective of divine incarnations…just like any of us?
Like Nefertiti, one finds themselves encircled by a myriad of divine beings. Her spiritual “entourage,” as powerful as ours, must be allowed to touch, guide, and inspire. That is our natural state of connection.
This artwork acts as a spiritual mirror, reflecting our forgotten divine potential. Viewers are urged to embrace both the divine within and without. In ‘Nefertiti’s Crowned Mirror,’ the observer becomes the observed, blurring the boundaries between the mundane and the divine, offering glimpses into boundless realms of creation.
I always invite you to meditate with any of my paintings, but this one in particular calls for deeper contemplation. Sit with Nefertiti’s Crowned Mirror and ask yourself: What does she see? What thoughts dance through her mind? What mysteries does she hold within her? How does she relate to everyone else in the picture? Feel her presence, her essence. What does this painting represent to me?
Simply gaze and let yourself be drawn into the picture. Imagine yourself as her, in her world, understanding her connection to the other beings in the painting. Allow the painting to be a portal, drawing you into her reality.
Pose questions to her. Listen for her answers. Ask, “What am I?” and she will respond, “You are everything.”
Then, connect with each presence in the painting: the bird, the snakebird, the bearded man, the goddesses on each side, and the legion of spirits rising up to the heavens. Ask more questions, imagine the answers. Remember, you are everything, so you have everything, even infinite knowledge and divine connection to all there is.

Fire Goddess (Left figure)
The Fire Goddess, as I call her, I do not know her name yet. To me, she is the guardian of the fire principle. She stands behind Nefertiti as a supportive force that fuels her strength, her magical, and creative powers. She serves as one of her counselors and her mentor. Perhaps, she is the one behind Nefertiti’s bold and grand nature. She is remarkably wise; she knows the extent of her capacity to heal or destroy. She understands that balance is key.

Hathor (Right figure)
Hathor is one of the most significant goddesses in ancient Egyptian mythology, associated with motherhood, fertility, love, and joy. She is the guardian of the heart chakra and embodies the concepts of love, beauty, music, dance, and motherhood. Hathor is also associated with the afterlife, welcoming the deceased into the next world. However, her most prominent role is that of the celestial cow who supports the sky and the heavens, hence her little cow’s ears. But there is more to her than that.
Hathor’s relationship with sound is profound and multifaceted. She was believed to emit high-pitched sounds to convey messages to her followers, and the sound of music, especially the sistrum, was considered pleasing to her and held healing properties. Hathor’s presence ensured a joyous transition to the afterlife, making sound an integral part of Egyptian religious and spiritual practices.

Who is this? ( the bearded man’s head)
In my paintings, the figures don’t merely enter my canvas at my whim; rather, their presence imposes itself, demanding expression. In this painting, a masculine presence, depicted as a bearded figure to the right of Hathor, literally manifested itself. The appearance of this “mystery man” startled me; accustomed to portraying feminine energies, encountering this unexpected male form stirred questions within me. Who is this spirit that has revealed itself? Is it a guide, a teacher, Confucius? Pere Antoine? Jesus Christ? Black Jesus? Abraham? Shri Aurobindo? I take it as all of the above, a representation of masculine wisdom.
One of the personal messages I channeled was an invitation for me to embrace support from the masculine and to nurture and strengthen my own masculine aspects, thereby inviting balance.