– Alexandra Cabri

Envision a life in perfect harmony with every aspect of your reality. Imagine existing in a state of conscious awareness where you are open to realms beyond your current perception. Here, you can find balance by grounding your physical nature and unlocking your psychic senses. Feel the embrace of the subtle spiritual energies supporting your higher self, and be receptive to the profound wisdom that is constantly available to your awareness. The Life Giver is a representation of the perpetual flow of divine guidance, akin to a telepathic message from your oversoul that is waiting for your attentive listening.
This painting captures the personal journey of a client, unfolding unexpectedly during a healing session that led to the integration of body paint into the healing. The woman harbored a strong desire for motherhood, which was challenging at the time. As each stroke of the paint adorned her body we were able to stroke of body paint unfolded, it seemed to release deep-seated emotions, helping her overcome obstacles related to her femininity and self-acceptance.
I translated this journey into a composition, telling the story of her empowerment. Over the following months, the painting, like any artwork in progress, prompted additional adjustments. I darkened the lower part and added more light at the top, as if balancing both grounding and illuminating elements.
Painting ‘The Life Giver’ was an exercise in trusting my intuition. I felt compelled to tell the story of how as human beings, we embody both an animal and a divine nature. While our brains are capable of defaulting to outdated reflexes, such as worry or fear of change, we are simultaneously, struck by a spiritual genius and profound wisdom that emanates from the oversoul. This wisdom is the purest form of intelligence that we all share access to, however, attuning to it requires a deliberate effort. Practices like meditation and introspection serve as pathways to align ourselves with this innate wisdom.
The evolving canvas became a symbolic reflection of her life’s journey, intertwining art and personal growth. Regular check-ins with the client coincided with significant personal transformations. When the painting demanded my attention again, I contacted her, and she joyfully revealed the news of her pregnancy.

The Oversoul
The oversoul represents a spiritual or divine essence that connects all living things. It is a universal, higher consciousness that encompasses and unites individual souls.
Each individual soul is a manifestation of the oversoul, and through this oversoul, individuals are connected to each other and to the divine.
The oversoul is considered a source of wisdom, intuition, and inspiration. Its voice sounds just like yours, but its tone is uniquely supportive, and its directions are sharp and unarguable. Everyone can converse with it, and it is up to the individual to follow its lead or neglect the wisdom it offers.
Similar concepts can be found in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. For example, in Hinduism, there is the concept of the Atman, which is the individual soul, and Brahman, the ultimate reality or oversoul that encompasses all individual souls. In other words most cultures tend to agree on the existence of a universal or collective consciousness.

The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland, nestled in the mid-brain, serves as the juncture where the physical intersects with the spiritual realm. Descartes perceived it as the birthplace of thoughts, yet modern science reveals it as a minuscule structure, akin to a grain of rice, filled sparsely with water and apatite crystals. This gland acts as the conduit between our physical form and the ethereal dimensions.
Individuals with a flourishing pineal gland may experience spiritual insights through telepathy, and possess psychic abilities such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clear knowing. They often find themselves privy to cosmic truths and mystical revelations.
For humanity to thrive, it is imperative to maintain equilibrium among the three foundational pillars: science, spirituality, and art. Historically, religion has distanced itself from science, relegating art to a secondary role in its support. It is now paramount to reconcile these domains, fostering harmony and balance among them.

The Second Chakra
Balancing the feminine and the masculine: The firm grip of the hand on the hip conveys a sense of masculine strength and grounded confidence, embodying a resolute stance. In contrast, the feminine gesture involves a protective and nurturing hold, particularly around the womb, suggesting a blend of care and safeguarding qualities.
30 x 40″
original $28,400
30 x 40″
enquire below for more sizes
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