Embark on a journey to transform your emotions at will, understanding that shifting emotions naturally leads to a change in thoughts. Emotions take precedence in this practice.

Through discussions and experiential exercises, you will gain insight into how your emotions effect your thoughts. By cultivating awareness and discernment, you will discover practical strategies for identifying, processing and working with your emotions.

At the heart of these strategies lies the Shift Method, which Alexandra will coach individuals through as they practice.Class available:

Saturday March 30th  2pm -5pm

You WILL Learn

-Navigate your emotions with tolerance and understanding

-Learn how to release self-judgment about emotions

-Construct a new inner life by adopting different perspectives

-Harness the power of your imagination wisely as your ally

We Will Go Over

-The benefits of employing the transformative force of perspective and imagination

-How the brain habititualy makes predictions

-Understanding change and the infinite field of possibilities

What We Will Do

-Engage in somatic exercises and breathwork

-Practice the Shift method to hear the voice of your soul, creating your Personal Healing mantra.

-6 people will be able to receive individual coaching from Alexandra